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Fake Spyware: Antivirus360

By: Andrew Carr - Updated: 21 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Antivirus360 Antispyware Rogue Product

I am sure most of us have at some time or another experienced the so called "warnings" displayed on our computers from time to time, saying that unless we buy this or that software, our computer is in danger of crashing or slowing down etc etc.

Warnings, Warnings, Warnings!

Most of these warning are patently false, some from the viewpoint of the actual diagnosis they provide, but advertise genuine software, while some warnings are genuine but the software they are providing is not; or it can be a case of a false advertisement and false software.

It is very rare to find the ideal combination of a genuine warning with genuine software to fix it, although it does happen, occasionally (fortunately). So the implication is to be very wary of warnings when they come up on your computer screen. Chances are it’s fake spyware and you should not risk downloading what they suggest, as it may well contain even more nasties than you have on your PC already, if any.

Antivirus360 Sounds Reputable?

One of the latest fake spyware programs is called Antivirus360. It sounds genuine enough, and from the name it sounds like a good product, covering all the spyware problems you can imagine, by the implication that it covers all the problems possible i.e. 360% meaning "all round".

It’s A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing!

Antivirus360 claims to be able to detect and fix all your computer problems, including disabling spyware, and removal of virus and other Internet problems and threats.

There have been a lot of complaints on the Internet about this rogue spyware, and we only add here to the growing list of complaints about Antivirus360. Firstly, it has no capability to fix problems, and in fact it acts as the very thing it claims to be able to fix, spyware!

How Does it Work?

The software works like this: Unsuspecting users click on the pop up boxes that appear on screen claiming to have found numerous threats, this then directs the users to the Antivirus360 site. It certainly looks credible with the name and attractive interface used in the product.

The thing is, what most Internet users do not realise is that Trojan horse programs have already been placed on their machine, resulting in the forced installation of the product, and for non Internet savvy people, it can prove very difficult to remove. In fact, it is so difficult to remove that programs have been specially written by reputable companies and there are web pages provided with help information to assist with helping to remove the spyware.

So What does Antivirus360 do?

Firstly, you can be instantly suspicious as the software starts to display ads, takes partial control of your computer and usually blocks you visiting any sites on the Internet. This is always a sign of a product that is not entirely geared towards fulfilling its true purpose. It's always a sure sign that it may not be a “cosha” product. Secondly, it hijacks the Internet browser and downloads unsolicited files. It installs itself without the consent of the user, and the claims it makes about it being genuine software are fraudulent, as it does not remove spyware and viruses, it actually adds to them! It manages to achieve its objectives by exploiting a known security flaw in windows.

To Remove Antivirus360, Obtain Advice

So, if you have this on your PC how do you remove it? This is not an easy task, but if you look on the Internet you will find useful help guides to remove it manually, be warned though it's not easy. The best way to remove it is to install a genuine antivirus software. Just a tip though if you use software to remove it make sure its from a reputable company or seek advice from your local PC service!. You would not want the removal tool to be just as bad! There are removal tools on the Internet and good one to remove Antivirus360 is Malware Bytes, if your computer will not allow you to download it try to use a friends PC to download it and put the files onto a dongle and transfer them to your PC that way.

When it comes to software, you should only download from special download sites, or reputable business websites, who have fully verified for the software for safety and checked it for spyware. Even if you do download, you should scan the executable or download files for any nasties that may be lurking. This is not fool proof, but it will help to reduce the risk of infecting your PC. One more thing, don't download Antivirus360 to fix your PC problems! Good Luck!!

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